With both fresh & frozen meats and seafood; we have what you’re looking for! We offer a wide range selection of fresh cut, high quality Alberta beef. We offer a great selection of premium cuts, but we do custom cuts if the customer prefers.
We also have a huge selection of Pork, Poultry and Seafood. We offer the customer their choice of buying fresh or frozen case lots. You can find all of our fresh cuts in our showcase, plus a whole lot more in our frozen case lot section. We always have great monthly case lot specials.
See our showcase for fresh Beef and Pork:

- Ribeye
- T-Bone
- Sirloin
- Striploin
- Round
- Tenderloin
- Ground Beef
- Stew Meat
- Kabobs
- Beef Ribs
- Hamburger Patties
- Beef Roasts
- Beef Brisket
- Rouladin & Fondue Meat
- Liver, Heart, Kidneys
- Ox tail & Shanks
- & More..

- Bone-In Chops
- Boneless Chops
- Smoked Chops
- Pork Tenderloin
- Pork Roasts
- Button Bones
- Dry Garlic Ribs
- Cutlets
- Ground Pork
- Pork Sausages
- Pork Side & Back Ribs
- Pork Hocks & Trotters
- & More..
See our large variety of products available in frozen case lots including:
Beef, Pork, Chicken, Seafood

- Chicken Breast, Thighs, Drums, Wings
- Ground Chicken
- Turkey Breast, Thighs, Drums, Wings
- Ground Turkey
- Whole Ducks
- Turducken
- Whole Chickens
- & More..
…and more

- Cooked & Raw Shrimp
- King Crab Legs
- Bacon Wrapped & Regular Scallops
- Basa
- Cod
- Sole
- Pickerel
- Salmon
- Halibut
- Oysters
- Mussels
- Lobster Tails
- & More..